by Lori Severson | May 27, 2021 | Taking Inspired Action
I am a creative type, yet I spent most of my career in big businesses that were not about creativity. I found the people to be smart, motivated, and committed and I appreciated left brain analytical processes and those that were good at fast action. I also found it...
by Lori Severson | Apr 2, 2020 | Living an Inspired Life, Taking Inspired Action
Annually March is Women’s History month and I could not let it go by without commenting about some of our history as women. 100 years ago women finally got the right to vote in the United States. It took decades for the 19th amendment to finally be ratified on August...
by Lori Severson | Mar 26, 2020 | Making a Difference, Mindset, Taking Inspired Action
We face a unique health crisis that most of us in the U.S. have never experienced to this degree before. We are all on a journey, and not all the stops along the way are up to us. Allowing ourselves to touch fear and feel its heat and possibly inhabit panic and feel...
by Lori Severson | Feb 25, 2020 | Clearing Chaos, Living an Inspired Life, Taking Inspired Action
I go through phases of rampant desire to clear out stuff in my home. A few years back, I targeted my office for a big clean out project. It was time for clearing, shredding, recycling, letting go of a lot of old stuff. Seems I love to keep paper. I reassessed my...
by Lori Severson | Apr 14, 2019 | Taking Inspired Action, Women's Leadership
We engage our time in many different ways in any given day. Life has a way of engaging us, distracting us, entertaining or challenging us. In our daily living we have opportunities to influence- ourselves, others, situations, causes, kids and more. I wonder if we...