Many are waiting for things to go back to normal. Let’s get on with this, let’s get through it, let’s win the war… many say or think or feel. Our former normal has been adjusted, a lot for some and less for others. I know I have been feeling an increased sense of restlessness, and some days a sense of powerlessness.
Each of us is dealing with our own personal and/or professional challenges as we face this global pandemic situation. Some are dealing with extreme fear, loss, stress and trauma as we navigate this adjusted world we find ourselves in. Others find themselves with more time/leisure than normal and are re-discovering boredom, isolation, relationships, connections and contribution in new ways. We may be worried for our loved ones and our fellow humans. Others are steeped in a challenge to innovate, flex and pivot to be able to stay viable and make a living differently than ever before. Some are in the throes of despair as they lose their way to earn a living. Many are working harder than is typical on behalf of all of us to keep us healthy, safe, fed and supplied. Again I am grateful for all those who are working so hard right now.
Each of us will have a different perspective on this time, based on our personal viewpoint, situation, financial situation, values, beliefs, location, race and circumstances. All I know is there is no one right way to be managing this right now. For me, I get to make daily choices to manage myself and those that I am with 24/7, my little family.
I am off routine, my work has slowed and I have been displaced from my office for the most part. These are not big problems to have. AT ALL. I get that. I am grateful, I am privileged. I also am fully cognizant of what little control I have, over anything but myself. And in that category, some days/hours/minutes are better than others.
I will offer you my ways of managing from my point of view, and you can take anything that works for you and discard the rest.
I am daily practicing some kind of self-care. Right now, with spring here that means getting outside daily and doing something physical—a walk, a bike ride.
- When I can, I am letting myself sleep longer
- Reach out to supportive folks in my network, both personal and professional
- Reaching out to see how I can support current and former clients pro bono
- Paying more attention to my local community and places I can lend help closer to home
- Join in virtual connection calls/events with other coaches to discuss how we can serve
- Hugging my peeps many times each day
- Keeping my recreational eating managed, meaning I am not too rigid about eating only healthy, but am paying attention so I don’t overdo or over judge myself (putting on jeans weekly is a nice reality check)
- Meditating for at least 10 minutes daily almost
- Focusing on the things I am able to control or influence
- Doing those long overdue cleaning out projects in my home/office that I always put off (there are still some I am avoiding!!)
- Reading for fun, inspiration and learning
- Going on a news diet—I am viciously protecting my heart, soul and head by limiting my consumption to that which I really need to know daily to carry forward. I have a few sources I trust and I check them over the week, both national and local.
- Writing down my accomplishments in 3 categories daily on a big poster board my daughter made for her and I. My 3 categories are: business; self-care; fun/family. I aim to get at least a few thing in each category a day. If I do more, very nice! Yeah me!! If I do less, OK too.
- Having more heart to hearts with my hubby. With daily life so full our 1:1 time is pretty limited normally, and now we use our daily walk to also talk.
For me, it does me no good to be consumed by fear, to try to predict the future, or to be overcome with stress around my lack of control, or usefulness, or lack of this or that. When I go there, I find ways to disrupt the negative spiral for me. A good part of this challenge is really paying attention to my own thoughts. Are they sabotaging or serving me and those I impact?
It is an easy time to find blame with others, and dish out a plate of negativity, fear and anger. While some of it may be grounded in reality, my sense is that there is way more than enough of that. I would rather wonder what can we be doing to navigate this time so that we come out whole? This is not a simple question.
Taking a larger view, I think this time in our world has lessons for us. It is a time to really examine what is important to us as a human species, country, & society. What do we really need vs. want? In some way, most of us have contributed to the world we are now experiencing. Instead of waiting for it all to go back to normal, I hope we can consider how we want to design our “new normal.” What is most important to humanity and how do we build that into our own lives, our social fabric and our leadership? Something to ponder. Wish I had the answer(s).
I know I am privileged to be having the CoVid experience I am having. I know I must use that privilege for good. This is what I believe will help us all, working to do good on behalf of our fellow humans. How can you help?